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Male Gynecomastia

  • Gynecomastia (Male Reduction)
Dr. JP Farkas

Gynecomastia or male breast reduction removes breast tissue of a man that can develop over time. It can either occur in adolescence or even occur as men age, where they develop some breast tissue that can be unsightly. The operation can contain either liposuction alone or liposuction with a skin excision procedure to be able to get your best chest aesthetic.

The scars can be limited. They can be just around the areola or even on the under surface of your chest, but the goal for a male masculine chest is to have a flat chest. So there may be great options for you as far as reducing that soft tissue that you might not like. It may be unsightly enclosed. So to be able to come and have a conversation as far as what chest aesthetic you're looking for as far as from a male is much different than a woman.

There are options for you here. So hopefully we'll be able to see you soon to discuss further for the gynecomastia operation that we offer here at Farcus Plastic Surgery. If you have any final questions about all the incredible procedures we have offer here at the medical spa or center, please don't hesitate to either email or call us the phone number listed on the website to be able to go in detail and have you come in for a consultation to be able to go over all the best options for you.