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Lower Body Lift
Dr. JP Farkas

So generally after massive weight loss operations, patients can be left with deflated skin. So a powerful posterior operation that we perform here is called a lower body lift. Which encompasses an incision just above the buttock and extends around to the hips posteriorly in order to really elevate the lower lateral thighs, as well as take care of a lot of that excess tissue in the lower or upper back after massive weight loss.

Most important is that patients really are changing contour for a scar, but this can also be performed in conjunction with an anterior operation or a tummy tuck for massive weight loss in order to be able to give you a circumferential treatment in order to address your body contour for your needs.

The operation is done in the hospital. You have to be there overnight. You'll have drains in place, but it really is the only option to be able to get rid of that excess skin tissue that you can get with waist loss on your posterior back and lateral thighs and buttock. We hope to see you soon.
A lower body lift is a circumferential procedure, which shapes the abdomen and waist, as well as the outer thighs and buttocks. It is a very powerful body contouring operation that removes excess skin and fat through lifting the outer thigh and buttock combined with the tightening of the abdominal area. It is performed with an incision that wraps around the lower waistline. A lower body lift is frequently performed in the patients who have lost a significant amount of weight after pregnancy, diet and exercise, and/or bariatric surgery. In some situations a buttock augmentation can be performed at the same time. Your decision for cosmetic body contouring surgery is an individual one and your options will be discussed in your consultations with Dr. Farkas. Each area of the surgery may require different amounts of care depending on what is performed, but in general the after care for any body lift procedure is straightforward. Dr. Farkas advises at least one night observation so that patients are comfortable and confident in their recovery after this type of surgery.

Before & After

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